An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Tuesday 18 December 2012


During the past few days, one was able to see in the media several reports of aliens from outer space attempting to visit our country and some other strange phenomenon.

Some people reported strange lights coming from the sky whilst some others reported meteors hitting the earth, with some people even producing sample pieces of meteorites.

Then there was the other strange happening of Red Rain which still baffles the authorities. Close on the heels came the rain of dead fish!

With all this talk of the world going to end in a couple of days based on the Mayan’s Calendar, these strange happenings have baffled many. But as any sensible person would know, world is not going to end so soon whatever the doomsday prophets may say.

Now, all of a sudden, the locals are seriously talking of UFOs and other terrestrial creatures which brings to one’s memory a very popular Sinhala song of the eightees titled “Kurumitto” by the music group “Gypsies”

As some wags commented, these extra-terrestial creatures are interested in studying our system of government which is a quasi-dictatorship garbed in a façade of democracy and which is soon due to be declared the “Miracle of Asia”. As the old saying goes, we do impossibilities today and miracles take place tomorrow!

Another wag commented that the reason for the government to increase the price of fuel all of a sudden, even when there is no increase in world market prices, is to deter these ETs coming in their flying dishes to fill their tanks here with our super-quality petrol at cheap prices.

One more school of opinion says that the ETs are here with the intention of kidnapping the members of our PSC who have done such a marvellous job in world record time, so that they can examine their brains and use them to get similar work done in outer space.

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