An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Tuesday 11 December 2012


Our politicians, most of whom are guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins, now seem to be more addicted to a particular sin, i.e. Gluttony.

Judging by the way the Members of Parliament from both divides are clamouring to satisfy their limitless taste buds at subsidized rates on tax payers’ account, in addition to enjoying all sorts of luxuries as part of their emoluments, is to say the least an utter shame on that august institution. Whilst one demands Beef, another one demands Pork and one member of the fair sex wants to enhance her beauty by indulging in honey and flakes – all at ridiculously subsidized prices which really amounts to mocking at the less privileged who are fighting tooth and nail on a daily basis just to earn a pittance barely enough to buy some bread and “parippu” for their daily meal.

If these privileged members of the parliament have different or highly sophisticated taste buds than the ordinary public and have a “dola duka” to indulge in exotic foods such as pork, ham, bacon or even venison – that is none of our business as long as they pay for such stuff just like the other people in the country do. What one cannot comprehend is what rights these so called “servants of the people” have to eat off the pockets of the poor public of the country.

One should not also forget that these unfortunate members of the public are forced to take a parcel of a modest rice and curry to their workplace for lunch and to prepare that, their spouses have to get up even before the cock crows.

What is really funny is that after partaking of thoroughly subsidized food, one minister has the audacity to suggest that an amount of Rs. 2,500.- is sufficient for one person to live for a month in this country and another minister is measuring the daily increasing cost of living based on the cost of a Bulath Vita!

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