An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Thursday 13 December 2012


The announcement of the President the other day that he wants to appoint an “independent committee” to study the Select Committee report on the Impeachment of the Chief Justice came as a bit of surprise as the government side has always been maintaining the supremacy of the legislature and its unquestionable powers to take any action against the judiciary as per the Constitution.

Now the moot point is if the Select Committee proceedings have been conducted strictly as per the Constitution, then why is the need for an “independent committee” to review its decisions, as envisaged by the President, which leaves many questions unanswered, rather than offering a way out of this imbroglio.

Where is the provision in the Constitution to appoint an “independent committee” to review the decisions of a Parliamentary Select Committee appointed by the Speaker under powers vested in him as per the Constitution?

Why is the sudden need for such an independent committee unless of course the President does not have any faith in either the Select Committee members who are mostly his own cabinet ministers or else on the MPs who initially signed the petition against the Chief Justice – all those MPs also belonging to his own political party.

Now it is obvious that the President himself feels that something is wrong somewhere as to the manner in which those entrusted with the responsibility have carried out their tasks, with reports of even a couple of Ministers using unparliamentary language against the Chief Justice who belongs to the fair sex, in a male dominated committee, which just goes to show the uncouth nature of some of those who call themselves cabinet ministers. It would be interesting to see how the proposed “independent committee” would handle the issue and if they would have the courage to recommend disciplinary action against the ministers who misbehaved with the lady Chief Justice.

After all, it would be a Himalayan task for the committee, provided one can find a thoroughly independent person or persons to constitute this committee given the highly charged political atmosphere in the country.

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