An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Saturday 3 November 2012


In the late sixties, citizens of this country woke up to read a strange Obituary in a newspaper which announced the tragic death of one Mr. D.E.M.O’Crazy, loving father of T. Ruth and beloved husband of Justicia who died under tragic circumstances, cortege leaving villa “Anduru Wela”.

They say that history has a habit of repeating : first as a comedy and then as a tragedy. Now it is time for tragedy to envelope this country – significantly under another government of the same ilk as in the sixties where they almost buried our age old tradition of Democracy, free will and justice to all.

It is pretty obvious even to the uninitiated that this indecent haste in bringing up an Impeachment Motion against the Chief Justice is due to the judgement delivered by the Supreme Court in respect of the “Divi Neguma Bill”, which although outwardly projected to the citizens as is name suggests – to raise the standard of living of the people – but the real intention being to concentrate the major share of the country’s assets and funds in the hands of one Family. In other words, a “Divi Nasana Bill”. And that explains this undue hurry to get the Bill passed in the Parliament by whatever means, disregarding all Constitutional provisions.

It is said that most evil deeds happen not due to actions of evil men but due to silence of the good men. That has been the bane of this beautiful country where we are now saddled with a lifeless opposition with its members being bought over with filthy lucre to achieve the sinister plans of the government. A moot point to consider here would be how “legal” is it to declare a two thirds majority by buying off MPs elected on opposition party tickets because obviously the people voted for the party that is opposed to the government party. But then, even this exercise has been “sanitized” by a controversial judgement delivered by a former Chief Justice who now cries “Mea Culpa”.

They say that when God wishes to destroy someone, He first makes that person mad.

That exactly is what is happening in this country today. All what we can do is to wait and see how and when this madness ends.


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