An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Friday 24 July 2009


WHEN all over the world, the trend is to abolish Monarchies and switch on to Westminster style or Republican governments, one is amused to see attempts made in Sri Lanka to anoint a King!

With the successful end to the war - thanks to the war heroes who sacrificed their lives and limbs - all of a sudden a hue and cry is being made throughout the country hailing a "King". As everybody recalls, at the last presidential elections, the voting was to elect a President and not a King, since Sri Lanka had become a Republic more than a decade ago.

To the best of our knowledge, to become a King one should have a royal lineage and it is well known in the country that the last King of Kandy had been banished by the British and since then there had been no trace of a royal lineage in the country. Although one insane so-called "Doctor" had been yapping that he descends from the ancestral lineage of Dutu Gemunu (which in itself is an insult to that great King as the current progeny is a mad thug)

Maybe this talk of a "King" is to perpetuate the current rule and hand over the country to a Royal Brother or a Crown Prince.

It is pathetic that even some so-called educated people including some monks exhort the need for a King in a democratic republic.

They say that in the "Kingdom" of Blind, one eyed jack is the King.

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