An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Sunday, 2 July 2017


 In these days of depression when looking at newspaper headings in the morning makes one to feel gloomier, our amiable new Finance Minister deserves Three Cheers for his proposal to reduce the prices of beer and wine.  To add more spice, he has also proposed to keep the bars open on Poya days and other holidays as well.

He definitely has a very valid point in coming up with these proposals.  One only has to have a look at the milling crowds in the liquor shops on days prior to Poya days and other holidays to buy their quota for the holiday.  It is also no secret that there are more sales of illicit liquor on Poya days thus denying an excise duty to the government.

It is earnestly hoped that the cabinet will look at these proposals in a very practical way rather than cloud their thinking with pseudo cultural and religious angles.


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