An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Italy had its  MAFIAS – and Latin America and Mexico had their drug cartels.  Unarguably, these Mafias and cartels virtually controlled and ran the affairs of their countries with the politicians just as fronts, making and unmaking them according to their whims and fancies.

As one might rightly say, what prevails today is criminalisation of politics and politicisation of criminals.

Currently, racketeers smuggling Heroin and Ethanol are having a hey-day while the ordinary people are struggling for existence against different odds and are not in a position to have two square meals a day.  Ruling party officials often take the law into their own hands and mete out injustice to the people who are living in constant fear of the threat of politicians.

In fact, people are now facing more hardships than during the North East war, despite the government’s promise to provide relief to people after the war ended.  Instead, vices including drug, Casinos and prostitution are increasing in alarming proportions.  Lawlessness is the order of the day.

Apparently, the rulers are drunk with power – in spite of the so called “Mathata Thitha” – and hallucinating with all sorts of drugs in order to fatten their pockets. 

Instead of the much touted about “Miracle of Asia”, we are now forced to live in a “Kudu Raajje”.  Truly, indeed, the Debacle of Asia!



Democracy does not simply mean holding regular elections : even dictators such as Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Robert Mugabe held elections in which they claimed to have won almost 99.9% of the votes (No one dared to ask what happened to the rest!)

With the criminalisation of politics and politicisation of every sphere of activity in the country including law enforcement and justice system as well,  as a result of the infamous 18th amendment to the constitution, holding elections has become a big farce where the powerful government politicians openly misuse state property to carry out election campaigns of their offsprings, kith and kin and the hangers on who are determined to win by hook or by crook to show the world what a popular government  this is. 

To add to the woes, there is an Elections Commissioner who is helpless in taking necessary action even under the watered-down rules of elections as almost all the violations are done by those with political clout and obviously the current EC does not want to end up like his predecessor who at the end of the day had to suffer from a health condition called “Aathathiya”

With the elections law as it stands being helpless in taking actions against candidates who are sentenced to jail terms and influential public servants engaged in electioneering to support candidates of the ruling party; the whole process of elections has become  a big joke.

Democracy:  The state of affairs in which you consent to having your pocket picked, and elect the best man to do it.  ~Benjamin Lichtenberg


In simple terms, an election promise is a promise made to the public by a politician who is trying to win an election. They have long been a central element of elections and remain so today. Election promises are also notable for often being broken once a politician is in office.

A great number of election promises are broken. Many regard this as a severe issue that disaffects people from the entire political process, increasing apathy and lowering voter turnout. Election promises have been broken for as long as elections have been held in this country and this is likely to continue.

In our country, we have had a plethora of funny promises made by politicians desperate to win elections,  ranging from Rice from the Moon, free measure of rice, 8 varieties of grains etc. which the poor voters believed in toto and voted them into power.  All of these finally ended up as “Puswedillas” although the politicians who made these promises remained powerful and continued to take the masses for right royal rides at every election.  People, indeed, have very short memories and this fact is very well exploited by the crafty politicians.

Politicians and diapers should be changed frequently and all for the same reason.  ~José Maria de Eça de Queiroz, translated from Portuguese