It was the 19th century British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disrael, who said “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics”
Going by the way the masses in this country are being fooled and taken for a right royal ride, the government and its coterie of ministers in the Jumbo cabinet, seem to be doing a marvelous job in keeping the lie factory going. One only has to listen to daily disinformation being disseminated via the government controlled media – both electronic and print – to find out how effective they have been in keeping the profession of Goebbels alive in this country. Not bad – not bad at all – for a country which survives on borrowed money, and borrowed time depicting a picture of “ all is rosy in this miracle of Asia”
While the cost of living is going sky-high – even surpassing the recently launched Satellite which carried our flag – those who are elected to serve the poor masses are really serving themselves with the biggest spoons available, with not even the crumbs being spared to those who are euphemistically called the “sovereign” public.
With almost all the essential items such as fuel, electricity, water and foodstuffs going up through the rooftops, the government ministers are preaching patriotism to the hungry souls. This is typical of how Hitler, who won a big mandate and came to power, tamed the people with large doses of patriotism and preaching hate politics against the Jews – all aimed at consolidating his own powers and not with any love to his people. The pattern is, unfortunately, the same in this country now which is rather pathetic.
Most of us are aware how our poor people were taken for rides during the seventies and made to utter slogans such as “we will drink tea without sugar”, “ we will eat curries without chillies”, “ we will eat manioc and bathala” etc. just like wound robots. But that circus did not last long as had seen later on.
The trouble is the ordinary people had not learnt their lessons – most probably because they are being brain-washed day in and day out with the Big Brother beaming falsehoods and pseudo patriotism to their drawing rooms to lull them into a false sense of satisfaction.
“ A lie can travel half-way round the world while the truth is putting its shoes”: Mark Twain
Going by the way the masses in this country are being fooled and taken for a right royal ride, the government and its coterie of ministers in the Jumbo cabinet, seem to be doing a marvelous job in keeping the lie factory going. One only has to listen to daily disinformation being disseminated via the government controlled media – both electronic and print – to find out how effective they have been in keeping the profession of Goebbels alive in this country. Not bad – not bad at all – for a country which survives on borrowed money, and borrowed time depicting a picture of “ all is rosy in this miracle of Asia”
While the cost of living is going sky-high – even surpassing the recently launched Satellite which carried our flag – those who are elected to serve the poor masses are really serving themselves with the biggest spoons available, with not even the crumbs being spared to those who are euphemistically called the “sovereign” public.
With almost all the essential items such as fuel, electricity, water and foodstuffs going up through the rooftops, the government ministers are preaching patriotism to the hungry souls. This is typical of how Hitler, who won a big mandate and came to power, tamed the people with large doses of patriotism and preaching hate politics against the Jews – all aimed at consolidating his own powers and not with any love to his people. The pattern is, unfortunately, the same in this country now which is rather pathetic.
Most of us are aware how our poor people were taken for rides during the seventies and made to utter slogans such as “we will drink tea without sugar”, “ we will eat curries without chillies”, “ we will eat manioc and bathala” etc. just like wound robots. But that circus did not last long as had seen later on.
The trouble is the ordinary people had not learnt their lessons – most probably because they are being brain-washed day in and day out with the Big Brother beaming falsehoods and pseudo patriotism to their drawing rooms to lull them into a false sense of satisfaction.
“ A lie can travel half-way round the world while the truth is putting its shoes”: Mark Twain