An Irish Toast

"Never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"

Sunday, 25 November 2012


Now, the vain-glorious battle for supremacy between the legislature and the judiciary is on full swing with the whole world watching this drama undertaken by the Government of Sri Lanka whose main objective is to take revenge from the Chief Justice who delivered independent judgements which went against some of the provisions of`certain Bills brought in by the Government as urgent ones. Whilst there is no doubt that the judicial decisions have been strictly in accordance with interpretation of the Constitutional provisions, the Government too is making a hue and cry that the Impeachment of Chief Justice is also in accordance with the Constitution.

Whatever the outcome of this ugly saga, it will only result in bringing disrepute to the country as well as creating another hero(ine) just like they did with General Fonseka who was even imprisoned to “teach him a lesson” for opposing the powers that be.

Just the other day, Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thera of JHU – a constituent partner of the government – expressed his opinion on the Executive Presidency saying that since all citizens are equal under the law, it is necessary to make the Executive President too to be under the law – and not above the law - of the land with the President at the same time being answerable to the Parliament as well. He went on to say that the President should also not hold ministerial positions except for the Ministry of Defence. Sound advice, indeed, coming from a member of a political party affiliated to the UPFA government.

There is nothing called absolute power and those who signed for the resolution against the Chief Justice and those who now sit on judgement, might do well to read the following well known poem by Martin Niemooller, a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

Sunday, 18 November 2012


After almost 30 years, we have once again witnessed a much worse jail riot – which had all the trappings of a deadly war. Hundreds or thousands of hardcore criminals took over Welikada maximum security prison, even going to the extent of seizing the armoury, and crack commandos had been brought into action to quell the dangerous situation.

From the way the more adventurous hardcore jail-birds behaved in getting ready for a life & death situation, gave one the feeling that this had been a well-orchestrated incident with obvious backing and help from inside, with possibly even advance notice being given to the prisoners by their guards.

It is a well known fact that there are errant guards in cahoots with drug czars and underworld kingpins serving sentences inside the jail. It is also known that these elements are running a separate underworld inside the walls of the jail armed with several mobile phones and other facilities directing their usual operations including kidnappings and killings from within the jail. So, obviously both the corrupt guards and the prisoners resist any search operations being carried out inside the jail.

Respecting prisoners’ rights as humans is one thing, but allowing convicted criminals and their uniformed associates to run the prisons according to their whims and fancies should definitely not be allowed.

If the culprits are allowed to continue committing those very crimes for which they were convicted by the courts in the first place, once inside the tall walls as “guests of the government” paid for by the public, whilst also safeguarding their flourishing illegal businesses with the connivance of corrupt government officers who are also paid with public funds, then it is far more better to dismantle this whole system of jailing offenders and use that money for something more productive.


If nothing else, the just presented Budget for 2013 will definitely hasten our “race” to become the “Miracle of Asia” –what with reduced duties on Racing Cars – which for an ordinary man would sound like the least important thing for this country. Further with an increased allocation of 60 million rupees for the Tamasha called “Deyata Kirula” the extravaganza clearly seems to have been introduced as a Bonanza for the Presidential Off-springs whose main hobby seems to be conducting night races in all parts of the country wasting the resources such as electricity.

As usual there is absolutely no benefit provided in the budget for those who toil in various foreign countries and remit valuable foreign exchange which in turn is used extravagantly by all sorts of politicians and their hangers on – including the Royal Astrologer! – to import luxuries such as SUVs etc. racing around the country – even killing pedestrians.

The so called “housing loan” of a few hundred-thousands offered to “foreign workers” at 10% interest is, to say the least, a big sham and insult.

As far as the allocation for Education is concerned, the Minister of Higher Education is on record having said that the government has always allocated more than 5% of GDP for education but we can see from the Budget that the allocation is going to be increased to 4.1% of the GDP – so, undoubtedly, as usual the Minister has been “economical with the truth”!

Although nothing is mentioned in the Budget, the day is not far away when petrol and diesel prices will go up heaping further burdens on the already suffering populace.

It is a pity that the President as the Minister of Finance has not thought it fit to reduce the Jumbo cabinet and various luxurious perks associated with it, which would have helped in no small measure to reduce the gap and provide more benefits to the ordinary man on the street.

Whatever it is, with foreign liquor going out of the reach of ordinary citizens, it is hoped that locally tapped toddy will be available in plenty so that we can all be reminded of the very popular song of C.T. Fernando “ Maame, Mage Sudu Maame – Raa podiyak dee, Maa Sanasanne”.


Of late, this so called paradise island has witnessed really funny incidents (in actual fact, very sad happenings) when it comes to law and order in the country.

• A government official being tied to a tree by a Minister who professes to hold a “doctorate” and the victim, under duress, admitting that he asked himself to be tied to the tree!

• An Army major being assaulted by some minors – who happen to be offsprings of government ministers - and the matter being dismissed as a “minor” issue when the Major himself admitted that the culprits did not assault him.

• A government MP who is suspected to be involved in the murder of a member of the same government party now claiming he has lost all his memory (but retaining the memory to claim the salary from the Parliament whilst keeping away on officially sanctioned leave)

• Several elderly women and their daughters being killed in pairs in a village in Sabaragamuwa Province by a close associate of a senior minister of the government and the killing spree still continuing even in spite of STF camps being established in the area.

• Chairmen and members of Provincial Councils having a gala time raping under-age girls and even celebrating records of “centuries” with even government ministers attending those celebrations.

And now, the Chief Justice herself is under an impeachment for not toeing the line of the Executive. The moot point here as to how the Members of Parliament who drafted and signed this motion got hold of the bank account details of the Chief Justice in the absence of a court order. This obviously is an ugly trend where an ordinary MP could go into the bank accounts of any citizen whilst they themselves earn dirty commissions and black money which are deposited in foreign accounts and of which there are no declarations as such.

“The trouble with the laws these days is that criminals know their rights better than their wrongs”


According to a recent news item, pesticides had been found in a “Kohila” curry which was to be served in the Parliament canteen and serious concerns had been expressed by the Speaker himself, going to the extent of suggesting that the “food tasters” should first check the food before being served to the Honourable Valuable Members of Parliament to avoid any sort of disaster happening to them.

Whilst nobody will dispute the fact that “Kohila” with its nutritional qualities especially as a cure for those with uncontrollable sudden anger is the most appropriate dish for our hard-working peoples’ representatives, pesticide is completely another issue which needs to be seriously gone into. One might argue that even pest control is a necessity when it comes to driving away pests – but that is entirely another issue!

Now the moot point is who actually cares for the general public who are forced to eat all sorts of vegetables, including Kohila, grown in various nooks and corners with all the attendant germs, worms etc. which comes as a total package albeit at a heavy price as well. The poor consumers are forced to buy whatever is available in the market to suit their purses and eat whatever they cook just to fill their stomachs for the day. Perhaps, the ordinary folks have by now grown immune to germs etc. and have no time or inclination to go into such matters as pesticides used by the growers to keep the pests away. Food Tasters is a luxury they cannot even afford to dream of !

Perhaps, the Honourable MPs should also seriously consider bringing a “buth packet” from home – what with an army of servants at home – just like our ordinary office worker whose wives have to get up at the break of dawn to prepare the lunch parcel.

But then, when one thinks of the heavily subsidized prices at which the rich meals are served to the so called “servants of the people” how could they even dream of bringing a home-made “buth packet” – because, they, more than anybody else know the real cost of living!

Saturday, 3 November 2012


In the late sixties, citizens of this country woke up to read a strange Obituary in a newspaper which announced the tragic death of one Mr. D.E.M.O’Crazy, loving father of T. Ruth and beloved husband of Justicia who died under tragic circumstances, cortege leaving villa “Anduru Wela”.

They say that history has a habit of repeating : first as a comedy and then as a tragedy. Now it is time for tragedy to envelope this country – significantly under another government of the same ilk as in the sixties where they almost buried our age old tradition of Democracy, free will and justice to all.

It is pretty obvious even to the uninitiated that this indecent haste in bringing up an Impeachment Motion against the Chief Justice is due to the judgement delivered by the Supreme Court in respect of the “Divi Neguma Bill”, which although outwardly projected to the citizens as is name suggests – to raise the standard of living of the people – but the real intention being to concentrate the major share of the country’s assets and funds in the hands of one Family. In other words, a “Divi Nasana Bill”. And that explains this undue hurry to get the Bill passed in the Parliament by whatever means, disregarding all Constitutional provisions.

It is said that most evil deeds happen not due to actions of evil men but due to silence of the good men. That has been the bane of this beautiful country where we are now saddled with a lifeless opposition with its members being bought over with filthy lucre to achieve the sinister plans of the government. A moot point to consider here would be how “legal” is it to declare a two thirds majority by buying off MPs elected on opposition party tickets because obviously the people voted for the party that is opposed to the government party. But then, even this exercise has been “sanitized” by a controversial judgement delivered by a former Chief Justice who now cries “Mea Culpa”.

They say that when God wishes to destroy someone, He first makes that person mad.

That exactly is what is happening in this country today. All what we can do is to wait and see how and when this madness ends.